Published by Ravenstone
Released: May 26th 2015
Genres: Action & Adventure, Fantasy, Paranormal, Supernatural, Young Adult
Length: 256
Format Read: eARC
Links: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | ThriftBooks
My Rating:

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. This does not affect my opinion of the book in any shape or form.
Seventeen-year-old Maggie Cunningham is tough, smart, and sassy. She's also not like other girls her age, but then, who would be when the family business is monster hunting? Combat boots, ratty hooded sweatshirts, and hair worn short so nothing with claws can get a grip, Maggie's concerns in life slant more toward survival than fashion or boys. Which presents a problem when Maggie's mother informs Maggie that she can't get her journeyman's license for hunting until she loses her virginity. Something about virgin blood turning vampires into pointy rage monsters. Blood and gore and insides being on the outside and all that. Maggie's battled ghosts and goblins and her fair share of house brownies, but finding herself a boy-fitting in with her peers-proves a much more daunting task than any monster hunt. Did you know normal girls don't stuff their bras with holy water balloons? Nor do they carry wooden stakes in their waistbands. And they care about things like "matching" and "footwear". Of course, they also can't clean a gun blindfolded, shoot a crossbow, or exorcise ghosts from a house. Which means they're lame and Maggie's not. Because Maggie's awesome. The Awesome, in fact. Just ask her. She'd be more than happy to tell you. After she finds herself a date.
In a world where the government is open about the existence of supernatural creatures, seventeen-year-old Maggie Cunningham and her mother hunt all sorts monsters together – except vampires. Maggie isn’t allowed to hunt them until she gets her journeyman’s license, which requires losing her virginity, as the blood of a virgin makes vampires seek them out. So what does Maggie do? She sets out on a journey to get the deed done…what can be so hard about finding a guy and doing it? As it turns out, a lot can be hard about it. (and no, “hard” is not meant to be an innuendo. But it’d totally fit the theme of the book)
The Awesome is just that: awesome. Seriously, Maggie is such a kickass and sassy girl along with her mother. Here’s a few quotes from the book:
- It’s like someone shoving a snow cone down your throat and a popsicle up your butt at the same time.
- I was so stoked my nipples were hard, like I’d smuggled raisins in my bra
- Monster Finder (or MFer if you’re juvenile like me and liked swear words a lot) was how we did our job.
And that’s only from the first 20 pages. Let’s not skip over these other glorious ones:
- I checked my face in the hallway mirror, ensuring my makeup hadn’t smeared to make me look like a KISS groupie reject
- Maybe I could catch a marathon of Honey Boo Boo reruns, or some Survivor. Both were known to drop the IQ of the water by at least fifty points.
- He was as subtle as a fart in church
- The air smelled like fresh cut grass which, for reasons I never understood, made me happier than a pig in shit
- He looked like a black Mr. Rogers
I could go on and on. There’s so many hilarious sentences like these, and since I act juvenile like Margaret does, I definitely snickered at many of her sassy and inappropriate remarks throughout the book. Like I was saying, this book is pretty freaking awesome. I’ve never read anything as weird as The Awesome. (and by weird I mean awesome) From a crazy plot to awesome kickass characters, this book is, well….you already know what word I’m going to say at this point. ;)
Fun! I actually have this book but have not read it yet. I read the author’s Bloody Mary book (written under a different pen name) and absolutely loved it! This one has a different feel than that one did, but it does sound like it’ll be great, nonetheless!
I do have to read Bloody Mary at some point, it’s currently on my super duper long TBR list! Nothing beats a good horror movie or book.