Scarlett Undercover by Jennifer Latham

Review: Scarlett Undercover by Jennifer Latham

Scarlett is a fifteen-year-old undercover detective, which keeps herself out of trouble. Her and her older sister Reem are orphans, as their mother died of cancer and their father was murdered. This time, however it seems like trouble has found her. After Gemma, a nine year old girl approaches Scarlett and asks her to investigate whether a local suicide was orchestrated by someone else, she finds herself being followed by two people, and from there things only get worse. The further she digs, the more she finds: a mysterious cult, an ancient relic, and a family secret.

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Review: The Awesome by Eva Darrows

In a world where the government is open about the existence of supernatural creatures, seventeen-year-old Maggie Cunningham and her mother hunt all sorts monsters together – except vampires. Maggie isn’t allowed to hunt them until she gets her journeyman’s license, which requires losing her virginity, as the blood of a virgin makes vampires seek them out. So what does Maggie do? She sets out on a journey to get the deed done…what can be so hard about finding a guy and doing it? As it turns out, a lot can be hard about it. (and no, “hard” is not meant to be an innuendo. But it’d totally fit the theme of the book)

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Rememberers by C. Edward Baldwin

Review: Rememberers by C. Edward Baldwin (Rememberers Series Book 1)

In Rememberers, 19-year-old Kallie Hunt has been experiencing deja vu sensations. She feels like she’s lived through a moment before, and can “see” what happens before it actually happens. But how is that possible? Is something wrong with her? And why is the government and a few priests be following her around, telling her she needs to save the world from demons? Things are about to get weird…

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Beware The Sheep by M. Lewis-Lerman

Review: Beware The Sheep by M. Lewis-Lerman

Livi Dixon’s best friend is ill, but the only way to permanently cure her is by going on a suicide mission in order to get the special plant. Throughout her journeys she makes some new friends, makes some enemies, and learns a lot about both herself and the past of others. Not only that, but a dark creature keeps trying to kidnap her…who are they and why do they want her? Can she complete her journey alive?

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Review: Half Dead & Fully Broken by Kevin Craig

This book had quite the interesting concept. Carter Colby and Marcus Colby are identical twins in high school. Marcus is popular. Colby is not. Colby’s life changes greatly when Marcus is killed in a motorcycle accident. Marcus may be dead, but there’s one problem: Carter has his face. You can imagine how much that complicates things for his both his family and Marcus’s friends.

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Veins by Lawrence C. Connolly

Review: Veins by Lawrence C. Connolly

They weren’t kidding when they say Veins is a non-stop thrilling action ride. I had trouble putting the book down beginning at page one. The descriptions, style of writing incorporating mythology, and the illustrations throughout were all great. Veins is the first of three books in the Veins Cycle. The other two, Vipers and Vortex, are on my to-read list.

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