Young Adult Review: Emergency Contact by Mary H.K. Choi

Being one with a bunch of online friends, and even having met a couple of them, the concept of Mary H.K. Choi’s novel Emergency Contact intrigued me as the plot centers on two college aged adults who talk to each other only though the phone.

Unfortunately, the synopsis was the most intriguing part of the book until the last quarter of it when things finally felt a bit interesting to me, and even then I wasn’t pulled into the story very much.

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The Movie Hero 2003

Film Review: The Movie Hero (2003)

There’s probably some term for this, but I don’t know what it’s called. Any time I see a book that sounds at least mildly interesting to me I’ll add it to my “to be read” shelf. Over the years that’s led to thousands of books marked as TBR, and likely never will be. The same goes for IMDB. I’ve got over 3,000 movies and TV shows on my watchlist marked as “to watch” because they sound halfway decent to me. Will I ever be able to watch them all? Obviously not, but I want to watch some of them!

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The Dorito Effect by Mark Schatzker

Nonfiction Review: The Dorito Effect by Mark Schatzker

Once in a blue moon I’ll read nonfiction. As you can tell from my reviews, I’m much more apt to read a mystery novel or some other type of fiction. But if the right topic catches my eye, I’ll all for switching gears and learning. This is what happened with The Dorito Effect. I’m not sure how I stumbled upon it, but I did, and got a copy to read and learn all about food and its flavor in the current day and age.

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Written in Dead Wax (The Vinyl Detective #1) by Andrew Cartmel

Mystery Review: Written in Dead Wax (The Vinyl Detective #1) by Andrew Cartmel

A few months ago, right around the time I purchased a few records for the first time, I saw a tweet from Titan Books that highlighted this book. Intrigued, I searched my library’s catalog for it, and was pleasantly surprised when I saw they had a copy.

I really, really enjoyed it. I wouldn’t consider it your typical cozy mystery since there is some language, weed smoking, and a touch of sex, but it’s far from your regular run of the mill police procedural mystery since the protagonist is your average joe, albeit with a great knowledge when it comes to vinyl. What I find interesting is we learn everyone’s name but his. We only know him as the Vinyl Detective, as he calls himself on his business card.

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