Young Adult Review: Emergency Contact by Mary H.K. Choi

Being one with a bunch of online friends, and even having met a couple of them, the concept of Mary H.K. Choi’s novel Emergency Contact intrigued me as the plot centers on two college aged adults who talk to each other only though the phone.

Unfortunately, the synopsis was the most intriguing part of the book until the last quarter of it when things finally felt a bit interesting to me, and even then I wasn’t pulled into the story very much.

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Review: Half Dead & Fully Broken by Kevin Craig

This book had quite the interesting concept. Carter Colby and Marcus Colby are identical twins in high school. Marcus is popular. Colby is not. Colby’s life changes greatly when Marcus is killed in a motorcycle accident. Marcus may be dead, but there’s one problem: Carter has his face. You can imagine how much that complicates things for his both his family and Marcus’s friends.

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Veins by Lawrence C. Connolly

Review: Veins by Lawrence C. Connolly

They weren’t kidding when they say Veins is a non-stop thrilling action ride. I had trouble putting the book down beginning at page one. The descriptions, style of writing incorporating mythology, and the illustrations throughout were all great. Veins is the first of three books in the Veins Cycle. The other two, Vipers and Vortex, are on my to-read list.

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